2005: Endangered Species: News and Information about Rare Birds and Bird Watching">
EE-Link - An Environmental Education Resource for Teachers - http://www.eelink.net Directory of Internet resources intended to support, enhance and extend effective environmental education in grades K-12. Includes classroom materials, publications, information on grants, and general environmental links. |
Environmental Education Directory of New Zealand - http://www.eednz.org.nz Directory for sites about the environment including field studies and activities directed at influencing environmental concerns. |
Environmental Education Resources - http://www.cnie.org/Education/ Comprehensive directory of environmental educational resources for all audiences and age levels, from the Center for the National Institute for the Environment |
Environmental Programs - http://envstudies.brown.edu/Dept/espgm.htm An extensive list of higher edcuation environmental programs around the world (but mostly in the US), compiled by Brown University. |
SEEK:Sharing Environmental Education Knowledge - http://www.seek.state.mn.us Minnesota's interactive directory of environmental education resources lists events, curriculum resources, learning centers, and other resources. |
BIRDNET - http://www.nmnh.si.edu/BIRDNET/ The Ornithological Council's site with comprehensive information about North American ornithological resources. |
Electronic Resources on Ornithology - http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Environment/NHR/bird.html Links and articles by Christopher Majka. |
Ornithological Web Library - http://www.aves.net/the-owl/ A comprehensive library of ornithological and birding links. |
Ornithology: the Science of Birds - http://www.ornithology.com/ Dedicated to the dissemination of information on the science of wild birds, with emphases on conservation and education. |
Audubon Magazine - http://magazine.audubon.org/ Magazine of the National Audubon Society. |
Audubon Online - http://www.audubon.org/ National Audubon Society mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. Founded in 1905, the National Audubon Society is named for John James Audubon (1785-1851), famed ornithologist, explorer, and wildlife artist. Many resources and campaigns including forest desktop activist guide. |
BirdSource - Birding with a Purpose - http://www.birdsource.org/ Designed and managed by the National Audubon Society and Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology to promote conservation and environmental learning. Includes many projects harnessing the power of individual birders to provide widescale data. |
List Archives at List.Audubon.org - http://list.audubon.org/archives/index.html Searchable archives, descriptions, and subscription management for the e-mail groups that Audubon hosts. |
National Audubon Society Chapters - http://www.audubon.org/chapter List of all National Audubon Society chapters with links to local chapter web sites. |
American Bird Conservancy - http://www.abcbirds.org/ ABC is a not-for-profit dedicated to the conservation of wild birds and their habitats in the Americas. |
Audubon: Birds and Science - http://www.audubon.org/bird/watchlist/ Watchlist designed to highlight species threatened in the United States. Features information on project history, criteria, search and news. |
Bird Conservation International - http://titles.cambridge.org/journals/journal_catalogue.asp?historylinks=SUBJ&mnemonic=BCI A quarterly peer-reviewed journal focusing on the conservation issues affecting birds and their habitats. |
Bird Migration and Conservation - http://conservebirdhabitat.com Donation and shopping site devoted to bird habitat conservation. |
Bird Studies Canada - http://www.bsc-eoc.org/bscmain.html Advances and encourages the wider understanding, appreciation and conservation of wild birds and their habitats, in Canada and elsewhere. |
BirdLife International - http://www.birdlife.org.uk/ Global partnership of conservation organisations working for the diversity of all life through the conservation of birds and their habitats. |
BirdLife International - Birds to Watch 2 - http://www.unep-wcmc.org/species/data/birdlife/ The world list of over 1000 threatened birds, plus information on threats to birds. |
Black Redstart - http://www.blackredstarts.org.uk Information on the habitat, distribution, threats and conservation efforts in the UK. |
Center for the Study of Tropical Birds - http://www.cstbinc.org/ Conducts programs studying and preserving wildlife in various locations by means of educational programs and research stations. |
Coalition to Prevent the Destruction of Canada Geese - http://www.canadageese.org/ Group based in New York advocating the protection of urban Canada Geese from being killed. |
Conservation Committee of the Avicultural Federation of Australia - http://www.vicnet.net.au/~avicons Works for the conservation of rare and endangered bird species. |
Conservation Through Birding - http://conservationthroughbirding.org Nature conservation through the pastime of birding. Provides a powerpoint presentation and information on bird conservation and how birders can get involved. |
Extinction Risk Analysis for Birds - http://www.ramas.com/birds.htm Projects related to the ecology and conservation of bird species, involving data analysis on the dynamics of endangered and threatened species, developing models for extinction risk assessment, and performing population viability analysis with habitat-based metapopulation models linked to geographic information systems. |
George Miksch Sutton Avian Research Center - http://www.suttoncenter.org/ Dedicated to finding cooperative conservation solutions for birds and the natural world through science and education. |
Great Lakes Bird Conservation - http://www.uwgb.edu/birds/greatlakes/ Dedicated to the conservation and management of forest birds in the Laurentian Mixed Forest region of the Western Great Lakes Basin. Includes a project description with management goals and information about bird ecology and conservation. |
Hawk and Owl Trust - http://www.hawkandowl.org/ Gives information on conservation projects, research and education, birds of prey , and membership. |
Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex - http://hoppermountain.fws.gov/ Information on the California Condor and the recovery program for this endangered bird. Includes information on each of 3 refuges set aside to protect habitat for the condor and a fourth refuge with an active western Snowy Plover management program. |
Indonesian Parrot Project - http://www.indonesian-parrot-project.org/ Information on trapping/trafficking in cockatoos and parrots, effects of illegal logging on habitat, and IPP's attempts to mitigate these problems through encouragement of sustainable economic development. |
International Aviculturists Society - http://www.funnyfarmexotics.com/ Dedicated to improving the welfare of parrots and companion birds both in captivity and in the wild. The site contains papers on conservation and research efforts on behalf of parrots as well a general information on parrot care, behavior and disease prevention. |
John Ridgway Save the Albatross journey - http://www.savethealbatross.org Race to avoid extinction of albatross by (pirate) longline fishing. Daily log from English Rose V1. Global dialog with crew on board a yacht. |
Migratory Bird Conservancy - http://www.conservebirds.org/ US based program, sponsored by birding businesses, devoted to conservation of birds and their habitats. |
North American Bird Conservation Initiative - http://www.bsc-eoc.org/nabci.html The goal is to combined effectiveness of three separate programs: the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, Partners In Flight, and the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network. |
North American Breeding Bird Survey, Results and Analysis 1966 - 2003 - http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/bbs/ Monitoring program to estimate population changes for breeding birds in the continental United States and southern Canada. Recently expanded to include Alaska and northern Mexico. |
RSPB Store - http://www.rspbshop.co.uk Gift catalogue of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. |
Seabird Conservation - http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/stats/adu/seabirds/ The Birdlife International Seabird Conservation Programme site includes news, species descriptions, newsletter, events, conservation, research, and links to other seabird sites. |
Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary - http://www.seabirdsanctuary.org/ Treats an average of 20-24 wild birds that have been injured and releases them back into the wild. Also has a captive breeding program. |
The Action Plan for Australian Birds - http://www.ea.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/action/birds2000/index.html Provides a national overview of the conservation status of all birds occurring in Australian territory. |
The Alberta Birds of Prey Foundation - http://www.burrowingowl.com/foundation.htm Helps conserve birds of prey with the rehabilitating and releasing injured birds of prey back to the wild, captive breeding and release of endangered species, studying and monitoring wild birds of prey populations and encouraging increased public environmental awareness. |
The Nature Conservancy - Migratory Bird Program - http://nature.org/initiatives/programs/birds/ The mission is to protect critical habitats for birds of conservation concern throughout the Western Hemisphere. |
The Raptor Foundation - http://www.raptorfoundation.org.uk/ British organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of birds of prey. Offers information for visitors, events, species list and contacts. |
The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds - http://www.rspb.org.uk/ A charity that takes action for wild birds and the environment. |
The Wild Connection - http://www.thewildconnection.org/ A international organization that promotes the survival of parrot species in the wild; enhances the health and welfare of companion birds everywhere and protects tropical habitats and their indigenous communities. Includes photos and list of projects. |
Towerkill - http://www.towerkill.com/ Highlights the problem of migrant birds being killed by striking tall communications towers. |
Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network - http://manomet.org/WHSRN/ Concerned with the preservation of birds that live along the coastal areas. Programs include information and educational outreach. |
Wirral & Ellesmere Port Barn Owl Trust - http://www.wirralbarnowltrust.org Registered charity aiming to conserve wild Barn Owl populations. Gives information about the Barn Owl, the activities of the trust and how to become a member. |
Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative - http://www.wisconsinbirds.org/ Coordinates bird-based projects for effective management of birds in Wisconsin. Includes the background of the organisation, their aims and objectives and a news letter. |
A Field Guide to the Birds on the Web - http://fieldguide.tripod.com/ Links to pictures, sounds, and video of the birds of the world, systematically indexed. |
American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds - http://www.aou.org/aou/birdlist.html The official source on the taxonomy of birds found in North and Middle America, including adjacent islands. The full list of 2,023 bird species (with scientific and English names) is online in html, pdf, and dbf formats. |
Avibase - http://www.bsc-eoc.org/avibase/avibase.jsp An extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing nearly 1 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information, taxonomy, and synonyms in several languages. |
Bird Families of the World - http://www.eeb.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/Main.html Short descriptions and sounds of the world's bird families by Chris Butler. |
Bird Families of the World - http://montereybay.com/creagrus/list.html Don Roberson's detailed guides to about half of the world's 202 bird families. |
Bird Hybrids Database - http://www.bird-hybrids.com/ Worldwide database compiled from the ornithological literature of birds with two different species as parents. Includes complete references for each species combination. In English, French, and Spanish. |
Bird Lists - http://birdingonthe.net/birdlists/ Lists sorted by taxonomy, scientific names, or English names for the world, the ABA area, or the AOU area. |
Birdhybrids - http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/birdhybrids/ Mailing list for discussion of bird hybrids. |
Birds of North America - http://birds.cornell.edu/birdsofna/ Comprehensive reference series on North American birds, with information and sample profiles. |
Birds of North American, Audubon's Watercolors - http://www.nature.net/birds/ Fifty-one images of North American birds from watercolors done by John James Audubon. List can be browsed by common or scientific name. |
Birds of the World - http://birdingonthe.net/clements/ Lists of all species with scientific and English names, subdivided by Family. Choice of list based on the Clements or the Sibley and Monroe classification schemes. |
Birds of the World - http://www.zoonomen.net/avtax/frame.html List of current valid scientific avian names subdivided by order and family, based on the Sibley and Monroe and AOU lists. Includes scientific names and publication details. |
Birds: Wonders of the Sky - http://www.worldbook.com/features/birds/html/ World Book Encyclopedia article covers physical features, behavior, migration, factors which determine range, and how to protect birds. Includes brief facts on individual species. |
Class Aves - http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Aves.html Provides a definition of birds (Aves) and describes their traits. |
Eggs - A Virtual Exhibition - http://www.pma.edmonton.ab.ca/vexhibit/eggs/vexhome/egghome.htm The Provincial Museum of Alberta's on-line, searchable, field guide of over 300 bird eggs. Global, with emphasis on birds of Alberta. Includes photos and taxonomic information. |
Exotic Pet Veterinarian - Avian Anatomy - http://www.exoticpetvet.net/avian/anatomy.html Describes the anatomy and physiology of birds for the lay audience, explaining technical terms along the way. Some emphasis on details of psittacines. |
Handbook of the Birds of the World - http://www.hbw.com/ Information about the book series that will illustrate and deal in detail with all the species of birds in the world. Site includes tables of contents, sample pages, and publication schedule. |
History of North American Bird Names - http://members.aol.com/darwinpage/zoo/AOUmenu.htm Details all the changes in the American Ornithologists' Union Checklists from 1886 - 2000. |
Introduction to the Aves - http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/birds/birdintro.html Scientific background and information on birds. |
John Penhallurick's Bird Data Project - http://worldbirdinfo.net/ Attempt to build a comprehensive database about the birds of the world, both extant and extinct since 1600. |
Mango Verde - http://www.mangoverde.com/ Photos and sounds for almost 2000 bird species; field guide quick indices. |
Multilingual Bird Search - http://www.knutas.com/birdsearch/ Translates world bird names between several languages, including scientific names. Includes photo gallery. |
The Internet Bird Collection - http://www.hbw.com/ibc/ Video library of footage of the world's birds, sponsored by the Handbook of the Birds of the World. |
Virtual Bird - http://www.virtual-bird.com/ A collection of bird photographs, videos, and songs from North America and Europe (mainly Finland). |
Western Palearctic Bird Sounds - http://www.ifrance.com/WPBS/ Links to sound recordings on other sites. |
Beaks-UK - http://beaks.proboards6.com Chat forum for owners or those wishing to learn more about parrots, birds, and raptor's. |
Bird Forum at Bella Online - http://www.bellaonline.com/code/ubb/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=13 Question and answer forum for all bird types. |
IA Parrot - http://www.IAParrot.com Offers a variety of services including classified ads, a message boards, links, and chat forums. |
Lassje's Bird Board - http://www.stanton-finley.com/discus/index.html Bird owners and aficionados discuss their birds. |
Online Bird Forum - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/im_a_bird/ A group open to all bird fanciers, mainly consists of pet owners and breeders of finches to hookbills. |
Parrot Breeders Chat - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rareparrots Offers chat about breeding, along with live voice chat. |
San Diego Cage Bird Club - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SDCBC/ A community for owners and breeders. Information exchange and sharing experiences is encouraged, welcomed and appreciated by novices and veterans alike. |
The Ultimate Cockatoo Message Board - http://www.mytoos.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi Cockatoos facts answered. |